Famously written the night before its premiere performance, Mozart’s Overture to Don Giovanni foreshadows the fate that awaits an unrepentant villain. This epic warning is contrasted with two works that herald a banner of freedom—Beethoven’s grand “Emperor” Piano Concerto and Prokofiev’s Symphony No. 5. Each composer directly defies the sorrows of the wars that were raging as they composed these works—instead, celebrating the heroics of their countrymen and expressing pride in their homelands.
MOZART: Overture to Don Giovanni
BEETHOVEN: Piano Concerto No. 5 “Emperor”
PROKOFIEV: Symphony No. 5
General Age Guideline: Individuals ages twelve and older are welcome at this performance. Parents should ensure their children are able to sit quietly through the performance without disturbing others around them. No babes in arms will be admitted. Contact Sharetix for more information.